How to Join Zoom

  1. Download and install  Zoom application from
  2. Open the Zoom desktop client
  3. Join a meeting using one of these methods:
    1. Click Join a Meeting if you want to join without signing in
    2. Sign in to Zoom then click Join
  4. Enter the Meeting ID and your display name
    1. If you're signed in, change your name if you don't want your default name to appear.
    2. If you're not signed in, enter a display name.
  5. Select if you would like to connect audio and/or video and click Join.


How to Join Parallel Session on Zoom

  1. The host will need to invite you to join the breakout session
  2. Click Join
  3. If you choose Later, you can join by clicking the Breakout Rooms in your meeting controls (inside the red box)
  4. Click Join Breakout Room.


How to Ask Questions during Plenary Lecture Q&A on Zoom (Questions and Answer)

  1. While in a meeting, click Chat in the meeting controls.
  2. This will open the chat window. You can type a message into the chat box or click on the drop down next to (To: if you want to send a message to a specific person)
  3. When new chat messages are sent to you or everyone, a preview of the message will appear and Chat will flash orange in your host controls.


How to Ask Questions during Parallel Session on Zoom

  1. Within your breakout rooms, click Chat (icon inside the red box) on the control meetings. 
  2. This will open the Chat Window on the right side.
  3. Attendee can choose to chat with Everyone or The Host by clicking on the To drop down panel.


Presenter’s Guide during Plenary Session on Zoom (Zoom Meeting)

  1. During this session, the host will start a slide show according to the file that is sent by the speaker. 
  2. The speaker may instruct the host to move to the next slide. 


Presenter’s Guide during Parallel Session on Zoom (Zoom Breakout Room)

  1. During this session, the co-host in each breakout room will start a slide show according to the file that is sent by the speaker. 
  2. The speaker may instruct the host to move to the next slide.