Registrant type

General Participant (without certificate) Free
General Presenter (1 abstract) IDR 750,000 (55 USD)
General Presenter (2 abstracts) IDR 1,200,000 (85 USD)
General Presenter (3 abstracts) IDR 1,650,000 (115 USD)
Student Presenter (1 abstract) IDR 650,000 (45 USD)
Student Presenter (2 abstracts) IDR 1,100,000 (75 USD)
Student Presenter (3 abstracts) IDR 1,550,000 (105 USD)


  • Paper publication (E3S web of Cenferences or AIP Conference Proceeding) costs will be announced in the near future
  • Cost of journal partner publication depends on each journal
  • Registration is not complete until registrant has paid the registration fee.
  • Participants registered as studentshould be able to present a valid student ID card
  • International presenter fees cost similar as local