

International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Sciences and its Application (ISNPINSA) is annual conference organized by the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (FSM), Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. This seminar has been successfully conducted since 2011 and therefore becoming an annual event since then.

 The objectives of ISNPINSA are to facilitate brain storming and state of the art information in field of sciences and mathematics; to increase innovation of technology that can be applied in industries; to contribute in formulating strategy to increase the role of science for community; and to stimulate collaboration between industries, researchers and government to increase community welfare. The theme of 12th ISNPINSA in 2022 is “Contribution of Science and Technology in the Changing World”.

 This annual ISNPINSA has been intensively achieved high level improvement in strengthening the collaboration between Scientists either from Indonesia or other countries, stimulating a new research partnership and contributing in formulating policies to increase the important roles of science for community. The Seminar will cover all research and development in the following fields–but not limited to:

  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Physics and Applied Physics
  • Biology and Applied Biology
  • Chemistry and Applied Chemistry
  • Informatics and Engineering


Important Date

  • September 25, 2022
    Abstract submission & registration end
  • September 30, 2022
    Abstract acceptance announcement
  • November 25, 2022
    Payment end
  • November 30, 2022
    Abstract revision and Full paper submission deadline
  • October 19, 2022
    Conference day 1
  • October 20, 2022
    Conference day 2

Date and Venue

October 19, 2022 - October 20, 2022
This conference will be held virtually (online)

Registration Now


Conference Topics

Theme: “Contribution of Science and Technology in the Changing World”


  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Physics and Applied Physics
  • Biology and Applied Biology
  • Chemistry and Applied Chemistry
  • Informatics and Engineering


Call For Paper

The conference invites industries, researchers and government to attend and present their works in oral session by submitting a short abstract for consideration. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the acceptance for presentation will be announced. In addition, prospective authors are later invited to send their full paper to be included in the conference proceeding that will be published by an international publisher



All accepted papers will be published* in one of the publications as follows:

  1. Some selected papers will be published in AIP: Conference Proceedings** or E3S Web of Conference**.
  2. Some selected papers which match the journal's Scope will be published in Indonesian Journal of Chemistry(ISSN: 1411-9420). This journal quarter is Q3 and is indexed by Scopus.
  3. Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi (JKSA - Journal of Scientific & Applied Chemistry).This journal is accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia with Second Rank (SINTA 2).
  4. Media statistika. This journal is accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia with Second Rank (SINTA 2).
  5. Journal of Physics and Its Applications (JPA).This journal is open access and International peer-reviewed journal.

In general, please note that your paper should be a minimum of four pages, and a maximum of eight pages. The scientific committee will advise the author(s) if their articles will be published in the selected journals above.


*The ISNPINSA scientific committee will review the articles for suggestions and improvement and later will advise the author(s) if their articles will be published in the selected journals above. However, The ISNPINSA scientific committee do not make the decision to accept or reject papers. At peer-reviewed journals, decision-making authority rests solely with journal editors or the journal’s editorial board.

**Not confirmed yet



Organizing Comitteess

  1. 1. Prof. Dr. Widowati, M.Si.
  2. 2. Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, Ph.D.
  3. 3. Damar Nurwahyu Bima, S.Si., M.Si.
  4. 4. Dr. Moch. Fandi Ansori, S.Si., M.Si.
  5. 5. Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, MT.
  6. 6. Farikhin, M.Sc. Ph.D.
  7. 7. Dr.rer.nat Anto Budiharjo, M.Biotech
  8. 8. Pandji Triadyaksa PhD
  9. 9. Yayuk Astuti, Ph.D.
  10. 10. Dr. Di Asih I Maruddani, M.Si.
  11. 11. Ratna Herdiana, M.Sc., Ph.D.
  12. 12. Dinar Mutiara Kusumo N., M.InfoTech.(Comp), Ph.D.
  13. 13. Satriyo Adhy, M.T
  14. 14. Okky Widya Arditya, S.Si
  15. 15. Ariella Giovanni Wahyuriyanto
  16. 16. Hafidh Khoerul Fata, S.Si., M.Si.
  17. 17. Nurcahya Yulian Ashar, S.Si., M.Sc.
  18. 18. Budi Setya Adhi, S.IP., M.A
  19. 19. Alik Maulidiyah, M.Sc.
  20. 20. Dra. Sri Harumaningsih, M.Si.
  21. 21. Lilik Maryuni, S.E., M.Si.
  22. 22. Herman Aprianto, S.AP.
  23. 23. Affan Noviananda Putra
  24. 24. Muhammad Afif Azizy


Event Location


Jl. Prof. Jacub Rais, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia


Hafidh Khoerul Fata, S.Si., M.Si. (+62 85-747-700-244); Nurcahya Yulian Ashar, S.Si., M.Sc. (+62 85-785-797-984)

Organized by Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University